New Cowley Classics

It may be hard to believe, but from time to time we Cowleyites find a recipe we like that (gasp) didn't come from our cookbooks.  That's why this site will be growing to include new recipes (even with photos every now and again).

If you are from Cowley, please share your favorite recipe(s) and we'll get them up as soon as possible.  You may email them  to cowleycookbook at  (Yes, it uses an "@" sign instead of "at", but we don't want those pesky bots interfering with our cooking fun.)   Please be sure to include the name that everyone from home knows you by so that we can authenticate your true Cowleyness. Okay, really it's just so that we can all recognize you.

If you have a photo of your dish all made up, please submit it.  Likewise, if you have a story or memory associated with the recipe, please share it as well.

Thanks for stopping in!

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